About the project

Unlike other donation dApp, this one accepts all kids of ERC20 tokens! All the memecoins, barely-worth-it airdrops and random legacy coins usually just lie in out wallets. With Donation Appreciation, we can put them all in one pile and have them do some good in the world.

How it works?

  • Onchain fundraisers can easily be created through our website.
  • Donors can see all the ERC20s in their wallet and donate multiple ones at once.
  • Once the pile of the donated tokens reaches the target value, either by price appreciation or donations, it all gets converted to USDC and sent to the donation address.

What are the advantages

  • Enables donations in almost any ERC20 token
  • Small donation today could turn into a big one later
  • Fully permission-less onchain donations
  • Can solve tax implications of airdrops for the donors

Under the hood

  • The Graph subgraph was built to monitor the contracts of the fundraising campaigns
  • We have built a custom EigenLayer AVS to verify the total value of the donated ERC20s in a campaign has reached the target target in $USDC.
  • UniSwap is used to swap all tokens for USDC, before transferring the USDC to the donation recipient address

Tech Used

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Available on

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Source Code

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Build at

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